/* Describe your code here */ // import from the old Relative Values UI, I didn't write this code -- berekuk //Trying having one file here, to see if that makes editing easier. Will later move this around with some script or similar. ss(t) = SampleSet.fromDist(t) animalModule = { //Sentient Welfare
three_to_one = lognormal({p10: 0.4, p90:0.67}) six_to_one = lognormal({p10: 0.25, p90:0.5}) twelve_to_one = lognormal({p10: 0.2, p90:0.4}) twentyfour_to_one = lognormal({p10: 0.07, p90:0.25})
/* Describe your code here */ global_undergrad = 5% to 12% oecd_undergrad = 27% to 33% oecd_phd = 1% global_phd = (oecd_phd/oecd_undergrad)*global_undergrad biology = 2% to 10%
// Model estimating the value of adding a door to divide office from hangout area import "hub:ozziegooen/sTest" as sTest @name("Noise Reduction (%)") noiseReduction = normal(30, 10) @name("Door Cost ($)") doorCost = 500 to 5000
/* Modelling the value of extending the life of those who have survived a suicide attempt vs. the general population */ // Neutral point on a 0-10 scale np = 1.7 // Global distribution of subjective wellbeing on a 0-10 scale // Mean is 5.7, the median of country-level SWB estimates in 2022 [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wLpXCeSNY6JLeYnQqU9sH0x1ZURWjuwsMBFs49ofxDI/edit?usp=sharing] // SD is 2.5, as found by World Happiness Report in 2018 [https://worldhappiness.report/ed/2019/changing-world-happiness/]
// Common @name("Black Swans per Decade") black_swans_per_decade = 1 to 7 @name("Chance to Identify a Black Swan a Week to Two Months Beforehand") chance_identify_a_week_to_two_months_beforehand = beta(5,10) @name("Basis Points") basis_points = 10k @name("Cost of Sentinel per Year") cost_of_sentinel_per_year = 150k to 500k @name("Cost of Sentinel per Decade")
// Define the value of a successful advising call // Based on the range provided in the document valuePerCall = 600 to 80000 // Define the marketing options studytubeOption = { name: "Studytube and Microinfluencers", // Lower cost range as these are micro-influencers cost: 5000 to 10000, // Higher leads due to targeted audience