
Generated by Squiggle AI. Workflow ID: da1ec082-169c-46bd-8789-fe1965af9e4b
import "hub:ozziegooen/sTest" as sTest

@name("Flu Transmission Model")
inputs = {
  @name("Contact Duration (days)")
    "Time spent in close indoor contact. This is a fixed input but could vary significantly based on circumstances."
black_swans_per_decade = 1 to 7
black_swans_per_year = black_swans_per_decade / 10

reservists_activated = 5 to 20
hourly_pay_per_reservist = 30 to 100
hours_per_day_per_reservist = truncateRight(4 to 8, 14)
cost_per_day_per_reservist = hourly_pay_per_reservist * hours_per_day_per_reservist
total_cost_per_day_of_activation = reservists_activated * cost_per_day_per_reservist

// Common
@name("Black Swans per Decade")
black_swans_per_decade = 1 to 7
@name("Chance to Identify a Black Swan a Week to Two Months Beforehand")
chance_identify_a_week_to_two_months_beforehand = beta(5,10)
@name("Basis Points")
basis_points = 10k
@name("Cost of Sentinel per Year")
cost_of_sentinel_per_year = 150k to 500k
@name("Cost of Sentinel per Decade")