
Horizon Scanning Foundry
import "hub:ozziegooen/sTest" as sTest

@name("Foundry Program Model")
startupPhases = {
  @name("Phase 1: Identify Promising Fields")
  @doc("Duration highly depends on field complexity and expert availability")
  identifyFields = {
// Estimate cost and time for a 1-day workshop for 40 people
import "hub:ozziegooen/sTest" as sTest

@name("Number of Attendees")
num_attendees = 30 to 40

@name("Workshop Duration (days)")
workshop_duration = 1 to 2

@name("Curriculum Development Hours")
/* Model for hosting 15-20 people in the Bay Area for a week */
import "hub:ozziegooen/sTest" as sTest

@name("Number of people")
num_people = 15 to 20
@name("Number of days")
num_days = 7 to 14

@name("Flight cost per person")
Mixer at coworking space. AI generated initial run, then edits.

import "hub:ozziegooen/sTest" as sTest

attendees = 40 to 60
//Drinks and small apps only
costPerAttendee = 5 to 20
Describe your code here

a = normal(2, 5)
What's the cost and waste associated with compostable plates vs reusable

//cost of paper plates

//yearly usage of paper plates

daily_compostable_plates = 70 to 100
days_in_year = 365
venue = 300 to 1000
catering = 20 to 35 //per head per meal
coffee_misc_catering = 75 to 150

flights_for_attendees = 550 to 1000
num_regional_attendees = 4 to 10
num_attendees_flying = 1 to 7
travel_costs = num_attendees_flying * flights_for_attendees
accomodation_costs_1_night = 280 to 600
accomodation_costs = accomodation_costs_1_night*num_attendees_flying*2 
Modeling costs of two large workshops

num_attendees = 10 to 25
venue = 1000 to 2000
catering = 20 to 35 //per head per meal
coffee_misc_catering = 75 to 150

flights_for_attendees_costs = 1500 to 3500 
90% CIs 

//roadmapping_paper = 100 to 1000 //hrs, 20 hrs/wk over five months

num_coauthors = 8 to 14 //number of total authors on position paper
hrly_rate = 65 to 75 // $/hr, based on senior staff comp
Describe your code here

monitor = 700 to 750 // 
cost_of_hdmi_cord = 35
monitors_replace = 6

total_replacement = 6 * monitor
Describe your code here

// factors
enjoyment - scale of 1 to 5
  how much would I pay for a slightly higher ranking - 
expense - $
satiation - 
Modeling how much should I spend on a cavity prevention 'vaccine'

From claude:
- The average person has between 1-3 cavities per year. Let's assume 2 cavities per year on average.
- The average cost to fill a cavity is $200-300. Let's use $250 per cavity on average.
- So without the medicine, the average annual cavity cost would be 2 * $250 = $500.
- If the medicine eliminates all cavities, it would save $500 per year in cavity costs.
- Over 30 years, the medicine would save 30 * $500 = $15,000 in cavity costs.
Describe your code here

a = normal(2, 5)
Describe your code here

As a prior, Israeli casualties from the past wars in Gaza and Lebanon. 
Estimated from soldiers to soldies+civilians

gazaWar = 66 to 73