/* Very early/hacky estimates of the value of funding from different EA funders at different times. */ // Key input assumptions. Should be privided from other modules. This code is meant to be used in a larger codebase. inputs = { microtopia_value: 10B to 100T, cow_life_value: 0.1 to 0.5, human_life_value: 1, longtermist_value_from_animal_and_welfare_funding: 0.001 to 0.01,
/* Very quick estimates of the QALYs that animals & humans have. All in units of human QALYs */ //Sentient Welfare qalys_in_farming_per_year = mx(-(0.2 to 100), 0.01 to 0.5, [0.7, 0.3]) lifespan_when_in_factory_farm = 0.3 to 0.6 // This probably changes per animal, this is obviously an approximation cow_qalys_per_human = 0.1 to 0.6 // Approximated, from data from Rethink Priorities
// import from the old Relative Values UI, I didn't write this code -- berekuk //Trying having one file here, to see if that makes editing easier. Will later move this around with some script or similar. animalModule = { //Sentient Welfare average_qaly_per_year = 0.7 to 0.9 qalys_in_farming_per_year = mx(-(0.2 to 100), 0.01 to 0.5, [0.7, 0.3]) lifespan_in_farming = 0.3 to 0.6 cow_qalys_per_human = 0.1 to 0.6 human_params = ["qaly", "life"]
/* https://github.com/quantified-uncertainty/squiggle-models/blob/master/quri-project-comparison/quri-comparisons.squiggle */ blog_post_to_software = Sym.lognormal({p5:0.1, p95:100}) items = { quri_papers_1: { name: "External Evaluation of the EA Wiki", id: "quri_papers_1", value: mx(1),