
1 variables
By @berekuk, dogfooding Squiggle.

Notes from watching Zuckerberg's podcast, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bc6uFV9CJGg

I've realized I don't know some basic numbers that matter for AI scaling, and wanted to get a better sense of those.

Things I'm interested in:
- how much energy does Meta, Google, Microsoft use?
- how that compares to energy of the entire planet, or some countries?
2 variables
import "hub:quri-squiggle-experiments/diamond-imports-and-seeds-b" as b
import "hub:quri-squiggle-experiments/diamond-imports-and-seeds-c" as c

@doc("Right now this is 0, because we use the current model's seed for all imports.")
export shouldntBeZero = b.randomFromImportedFunction - c.randomFromImportedFunction

export shouldntBeZero2 = b.importedRandom - c.importedRandom
2 variables
import "hub:quri-squiggle-experiments/diamond-imports-and-seeds-a" as a

See also:
- [diamond-imports-and-seeds-a](https://squigglehub.org/models/quri-squiggle-experiments/diamond-imports-and-seeds-a)
- [diamond-imports-and-seeds-b](https://squigglehub.org/models/quri-squiggle-experiments/diamond-imports-and-seeds-b)
- [diamond-imports-and-seeds-d](https://squigglehub.org/models/quri-squiggle-experiments/diamond-imports-and-seeds-d)
export randomFromImportedFunction = a.getRandom()
export importedRandom = a.randomValue
2 variables
import "hub:quri-squiggle-experiments/diamond-imports-and-seeds-a" as a

See also:
- [diamond-imports-and-seeds-a](https://squigglehub.org/models/quri-squiggle-experiments/diamond-imports-and-seeds-a)
- [diamond-imports-and-seeds-c](https://squigglehub.org/models/quri-squiggle-experiments/diamond-imports-and-seeds-c)
- [diamond-imports-and-seeds-d](https://squigglehub.org/models/quri-squiggle-experiments/diamond-imports-and-seeds-d)
export randomFromImportedFunction = a.getRandom()
export importedRandom = a.randomValue
2 variables
See also:
- [diamond-imports-and-seeds-b](https://squigglehub.org/models/quri-squiggle-experiments/diamond-imports-and-seeds-b)
- [diamond-imports-and-seeds-c](https://squigglehub.org/models/quri-squiggle-experiments/diamond-imports-and-seeds-c)
- [diamond-imports-and-seeds-d](https://squigglehub.org/models/quri-squiggle-experiments/diamond-imports-and-seeds-d)
export getRandom() = uniform(1,2) -> sample
export randomValue = uniform(1,2) -> sample

Step 1: Expand either variables "a" or "b" in the viewer.
Step 2: Edit the code, so that there's an error.
Expectation: The viewer will crash

a = normal(2, 5)
b = normal(5,2)
Describe your code here

a = normal(2, 5)
// A calculator of future earnings.

fn(initialInvestment, monthlyContribution, interestRate, yearsOut) = {
  monthlyRate = Dist.make(interestRate / 12 / 100)

  futureValueAtTime = {
    |timeInYears: [0, yearsOut]|
    months = timeInYears * 12

    futureValue = initialInvestment
/** This comment will be attached to x */
show1 = true

// Line comments won't work.
noShow1 = false

/* Block comments starting with a single star won't work either; we follow JSDoc conventions in this. */
noShow2 = false

/*** Triple stars are forbidden too; again, JSDoc convention. */
/* This is just to list various problems that Squiggle has

// 1. The "" + 3 works, but 3 + "foo" breaks. Uncomment the next line to show this.
// a = 3 + "foo"

// 2. 
// If a string is empty, it shouldn't get so much space. Even if it's not empty, it should probably get less space.
a = ""
b = "foo"
Note that when you click "run" in the calculator, the distribution doesn't change. 

c = normal(5, 20)
a = Calculator.make(
    fn: {|e|e + c},
    inputs: [Input.text({ name: "first", default: "5" })],
    autorun: false,
calculatorFn(attendees, hourlyRate, meetingLength, wordsSpoken) = {
  costPerPerson = hourlyRate * (meetingLength / 60)
  totalCost = costPerPerson * attendees

  wordsPerMinute = wordsSpoken / meetingLength
  wordsPerPerson = wordsSpoken / attendees

  costPerWordOverall = totalCost / wordsSpoken
  costPerWordPerListener = costPerPerson / wordsPerPerson // fixed
Scratchpad for testing how scoring works in Squiggle.

s1 = Dist.logScore({ estimate: normal(2, 1e-6), answer: 2 })

Shouldn't this be lower than s1 (-Inf)? Instead, it returns 0.
Very quick example of these two, for a demonstration

/** Symbolic dists are smooth and very fast to render */
//asSymbolic(t) = normal(t^2.5, t^2)

/** Sample Set dists require sampling, which introduces variance. They can be slower. */
//asSampleSet(t) = SampleSet.fromDist(normal(t^2.5, t^2))
plot(dist, constant) = Plot.dist(
    dist: dist,
    xScale: Scale.symlog({ constant: constant }),
    showSummary: false,

recommendedConstant(dist) = 10 ^ -(log10(inv(dist, 0.9) / inv(dist, 0.1)) * 2)
Describe your code here

/** Infinity isn't properly shown */
infinity = 1 / 0
f(t) = if t < 1 then infinity else 30

/** This error could be a lot better */
Describe your code here

/** This should have a discrete density at 0 */